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Bye Bye MIlletLine 再见,小米热线

2024.02.11 19:30
Night&Day Cafe 26 Oldham St. Manchester, M1 1JN

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单人票 £10.79 (包含8%手续费)
双人票 £19.44 (包含8%手续费)

购票说明 / Instructions

  1. 您必须出示您的门票,手机或打印,才能入场时扫描。
    You must present your ticket on entry, on phone or printed, to be scanned on entry.

  2. 您必须携带18+政府身份证才能入场,身份证可以是护照、驾照等,不接18+物流卡。
    You must bring 18+ government ID to be able to entry, ID can be passport, driving licence etc, 18+ oyster card will not be accepted.

  3. 此票不予退还。
    This ticket is not refundable.

  4. 没有有效门票,访客将不被允许入场。
    Visitors will not be allowed admission to this Show without a valid ticket.

  5. 为了访客的安全,组织者保留拒绝入场的权利,并可能在某些情况下进行安全检查。
    For the safety of visitors to the Show, the Organisers reserve the right to refuse admission, and may, on occasions, conduct security searches.

  6. 由于超出我们合理控制范围的情况,组织者保留更改或变更整个或部分演出的内容或时间的权利,且无须退票或换票。
    The Organisers reserve the right to alter or vary the content or timing of the whole or any part of the Show due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control without being obliged to refund or exchange tickets.

  7. 组织者对携带至演出的个人资产的任何损失或损坏不承担责任。
    The Organisers cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property brought to the Show.

  8. 如有任何疑问,请发送邮件到 [email protected]
    If you have any questions, please email [email protected]